Around the Town in Oakmont PA

My thoughts and musings on life, technology and living in my adopted home town.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Links! We don't need no stinken links.

One of the more interesting aspects of the Internet and the world wide web are the various links that you find as you go from web page to web page. It is one of the reasons that you start looking for information on new shocks for your car after dinner and at one in the morning find yourself hip deep in facts about the history of the movie industry. If you are smiling right now you have been there.

These same links are in the world of blogs and bloggers. Sometimes they take you to web sites for additional information on the subject the blog. Other times they will take you to another blog. The links can be embedded in the text you are reading or may be a side bar feature on the opening page.

I have not put a lot of effort into setting up links on the opening pages of the blogs that I have started finding it hard enough to make time to write text for them. I just added a new link for my favorite media person Jerry Bowyer, to this one. I was going to say talk show host but Jerry is currently on hiatus making a move from WPTT talk radio to another station. He will still be doing a weekend show on WPTT about which I will post the details here when they become available. Talk show host does not do Jerry Bowyer justice though. He is indeed a “media person” being involved to the point that it is the family business. I don't have time enough to write the story of how interesting a person Jerry is so I will let you visit his web site where you can read his biography and learn more about him. Then check out the Podcasts on his web site and follow the link to his television show “World View”. Enjoy!