Around the Town in Oakmont PA

My thoughts and musings on life, technology and living in my adopted home town.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Bring on the heat!

No this is not a dissertation about the Pirates or baseball. When is this heat going to give us a break? That seems to be the battle cry at the water coolers in offices and on street corners. Well let me opine on this heat for just a moment. Being a life long Pittsburgh resident I have come to expect hot summers and very cold winters. Even though some health problems make either extreme a little hard on this old body and the high humidity being the worst to endure I have no complaints about our current atmospheric conditions.

If you doubt that just stop for a moment and think about standing in the parking lot after a hard day at work, ankle deep in slush with an ice scraper in your hand chipping away at the coating that nature has left on your windshield and windows during the day. All the while hoping that by the time you are done the car will have run long enough that some semblance of warm air, no chance yet for heat, will be coming from the various vents and floor ducts of the vehicle. As you place your posterior in the drivers seat there is that second of relief because you are now about one half degree warmer than you were standing in the pelting wind and cold outside. Then you realize that yes, you can still see your breath in the air and taking your gloves off will not improve the condition of your cold fingers.

All the time you are thinking about warm summer afternoons and wondering just how long before we get a break from this cold! I just have to have these thoughts and think about this sequence of events and suddenly this heat doesn't seem nearly so bad. At least that is the way it seems to me. What do you think?