We as citizens of Allegheny County have an important decision to make
When Allegheny County government was restructured and the position of County Executive was created I thought it was a real move forward for our area and I was optimistic.
The first two candidates for the position were Cyril Wecht and James Roddy. My wife was quite upset when I went to the basement and made up a FOR SALE by OWNER sign and announced my intentions to place it in the front yard if Wecht won the election. To this day she doesn't know exactly how serious I was about moving out of the county had that been the case.
I think Jim Roddy got us off to a good start with the plans and policies that he implemented while in office. Given the voter registration in this county and the attitude of a large number of the people who live here I thought it was too much to hope for that we would elect a Republican to that office two times in a row. I was not wrong and Dan Onorato has occupied the office since Roddy's departure. I consider Onorato a moderate in the Democratic party and while not doing any serious damage I don't think he is the answer to get our economy going again and stop the hemorrhaging of our population leaving the county that has reduced our tax base to the point that we are in a self fulfilling downward spiral of growth.
So once again we are at a crossroads that will determine the direction of our economy, growth and standard of living. It is my opinion that what Allegheny County and thus Oakmont needs is a good business man running the county with strong entrepreneurial skills that will do what is best for the county not what is best for a given political party or what will get him or her reelected in the next election cycle. I think D. Raja is that man. While I like his opponent's attitude on some issues I think he is far to embedded in the political scene to do the things necessary to promote growth in our county.
This decision will be critical to all of the counties citizens and will have tremendous effect on their livelihood in the coming years. Sooner or latter we are going to dig our way out of the mess that the inside the beltway Washington DC crowd had placed us in and when that happens those that have followed a sound fiscal path are going to be in a position to grow, profit and raise our standard of living. This in turn will create a place where our children can prosper and give our grandchildren a better life. Please take a moment and visit the "Join Raja" web site and learn what his plan is to make Allegheny County a better place for families where good jobs are available and growth is possible.
Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts and please educate yourself and become part of the process.