Todays Glenn Beck show on the Fox News Channel
If you did not get to see Glenn Beck's television show on the Fox News Channel this evening and your provider airs it 24/7 the show will be repeated Friday August 9th at 02:00 AM Easter Time. If you can record it I suggest that you do so and share it with family and friends.
The theme of the show is "Rebuilding America" and asks the question what do we need to do that? The answer is that we need three building blocks and the first block, the foundation of the building, is faith. He talks with a guest about what the founders original intent was when signing the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution giving examples of their respective views on God and religion in America. What you will hear is a large number of facts supported by original documents that used to be taught as history to our children. A history that has been purged from our history books and class rooms in schools. Well worth the time to watch and if possible share with family and friends. I get my television from Direct TV so your schedule may vary. I believe that our country is in very perilous times and that we need to educate ourselves about how America came about and what the people who gave their fortunes and in some cases their lives to bring it about its inception thought and did to make it so. If you are not a regularly watching Glenn Beck's show which airs on the Fox News Channel each evening at 05:00 PM Eastern time you should be. You will be entertained but more importantly you will lean a lot every day. You can learn more about Glenn Beck at the following sites.
Look for yourself listen and learn. And may God bless America.
Labels: Glenn Beck Fox News education American history founding fathers religion