This is how important next Tuesday is
While the upcoming elections are mostly cannon fodder for the political pundits and news media I have a different view. I was reminded why I think they are important by a recent editorial by Peggy Noonan. I mince no bones about the fact that I am a conservative and support the republican party's platform at election time. Neither do not march into the voting boot and pull the republican leaver like a zombie committed to anyone who bears the party standard. I urge anyone reading these words to follow the link and read the entire editorial. More importantly I ask that on election day you go to the polls and vote.
We Need His Kind
In praise of Rick Santorum.
Friday, November 3, 2006 12:01 a.m. EST
It has been hard not to experience the election as a brute-force clash between two armies struggling over terrain their soldiers have come to see, inevitably--they are at war, they are exhausted--as the location of the battle, but not its purpose. The nation is where the contest takes place; you can forget, in the fight, that its actual future is what's being fought for.
But here's an exception: the state of Pennsylvania, which has been this year a bright patch of meaning. Its U.S. Senate contest has been the great race of the cycle, the one about which conservatives in their hearts most care. And not only conservatives, but those who know, for whatever reason and in whatever way, that there is something truly at stake here, something beyond mere red team and blue.
Follow this LINK to read the entire editorial.