Around the Town in Oakmont PA

My thoughts and musings on life, technology and living in my adopted home town.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Water can be distracting

The big water main break in Gateway Center was unfortunate since it is distracting the folks at KDKA Radio from the crusade they have launched aginst Governor Swindell and the Pennsylvania state legislators since the great pay grab.

They have been relentless with Mike Pintek on his morning show and Fred Honsberger during afternoon drive time along with their callers hammering this subject every day. The only break the poor cads in Harrisburg get is during the Bill O’Reilly show which is syndicated nationally so their thievery is not the main topic of discussion during that time slot.

I’m not sure if KDKA television is going at this quite as hard but I do know that some of their reporters are currently “persona non grata” with some of our fine state representatives. Marty Griffen was filling in for Mike Pintek this morning and he said that one of the stations reporters passed a state representatives in the hall and asked “What are you going to do with that pay raise?” and in Marty’s words “it got ugly” quickly. Good! Someone should be asking every one of those dolts just exactly what they are going to do with that raise that they voted themselves literally in the middle of the night. Then our good Governor Fast Eddie Swindell had the audacity to say that the news media was keeping this story alive for ratings and that it was their fault that people were so upset with Harrisburg. Hello! McFly! Anybody home up there? It is the carpet baggers in Harrisburg that have the people’s knickers in a twist, not the news media!

I repeat my previous thought that I hope everyday citizens who are expressing their outrage through talk radio and the Internet will continue to do so and intensify those efforts bringing there full force to bear at the ballet box in the next election. Make them understand that we are NOT going to take this anymore! Remember in November!