Around the Town in Oakmont PA

My thoughts and musings on life, technology and living in my adopted home town.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Real Change

When I was in my first year of high school someone in my history class violated one of some set of rules. I don't remember who it was but the end result was to bring down the wrath of the teacher on the entire class which of course made this individual very popular. The net result was that we were all assigned the task of writing a report with a minimum of two pages to be turned in the next day with the subject left to our own design. This convinced me that the task was only punishment for the infraction of the rules since it could be about something totally unrelated to history, but I digress.

Now when I was in my teenage years I had already developed a yearning to read but I was not much for writing for a number of reasons. First I never mastered the English language and still haven't to this day. I fear given an junior high school level English test I would fail. I know I can't properly diagram a sentence and my syntax leaves much to be desired. Second I still have a problem with spelling although that thankfully has been resolved by the advent of the computer though it still aggravates me at times that I just can't seem to master this discipline. And last but definitely not least, my handwriting was and is atrocious. I think it is for this that reason that God allowed the desktop computer with word processors to be invented and develop to the extent that they have as another blessing for me and my kind. So in a rebellious move of sorts I wrote my report on why the study of history was a complete waist of time. If I remember correctly I think I got a passing grade for effort. All of this is somewhat ironic since one of the people I truly admire and look up to these days is a former history professor, Newt Gingrich.

I can't write about the book Real Change because my copy has not yet arrived. I have received notification from Amazon that it is on its way so I will be discussing it at some point in the future. I want you to know that I am not procrastinating. Every time Linda accuses me of this I have to point out to her that I am putting off procrastinating! It does however offer a partial explanation why my "unread stack" of books keeps growing at such a fantastic rate.

What I would like to present to you today is a video that deals with the book Real Change that will give you a flavor of the ideas that it expresses and the thoughtfulness of its writer. I honestly believe that if we don't take up a program like the one proposed by Mr. Gingrich or something very similar that we are going to find ourselves in a political and cultural position in the near future that none of us are going to be very happy with.

This is one of those situations where I look at and listen to the ideas put forth by Newt Gingrich and they seem to make such common sense to me that I stand completely baffled as to why we are not having as Newt calls it "A national conversation" on these topics. And further why the political party that I have supported for a number of years now seems unwilling or unable to bring them to the forefront of the American conscious for debate and possible implementation.

So my dear reader I ask that you take the time to view this video on the subject then think about it and discuss it with someone you know. A close friend or family member perhaps a coworker or member of your church. Perhaps if enough of us do this we can help start that conversation. I am also going to add some additional links on the sidebar of the blog on the subject.

Click here to watch FedEx vs. Government Bureaucracy



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