Around the Town in Oakmont PA

My thoughts and musings on life, technology and living in my adopted home town.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Back in the saddle again, sort of

Well I'm finally back to work although only for half days for a while. I feel extremely fortunate in that I like the work I do and look forward to it each day. Some of my coworkers couldn't believe that I was actually anxious to get back to my job. I have told all three of my sons that given a choice they are far better off doing work they enjoy for less money than to take a high paying job that you dread going to each day. Despite only a half day at work and a short evening nap I'm still tired. So I'm going to bed and look forward to tomorrow. I hope you are doing a job that you enjoy and one that makes a difference in other peoples lives. It is one of God's blessings. Good night..........


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